dyld_info(1) General Commands Manual dyld_info(1) NAME dyld_info – Displays information used by dyld in programs and dylibs SYNOPSIS dyld_info [-arch arch-name] [-platform] [-segments] [-linked_dylibs] [-inits] [-exports] [-imports] [-objc] [-fixups] [-fixup_chains] [-fixup_chain_details] [-function_starts] [-symbolic_fixups] [-opcodes] [-uuid] [-disassemble] [-section segment-name section-name] [-all_sections] [-section_bytes segment-name section-name] [-all_sections_bytes] [-validate_only] file(s) DESCRIPTION The dyld_info tool will display information that dyld uses from binaries. It supports fixups information encoded as opcode based or as chained fixups. If the tool is run with no options, it defaults to the common options (-platform -segments -linked_dylibs). The tool can be run with paths to dylibs that are in the dyld cache and not on disk. The options are as follows: -arch arch Only display the specified architecture. Other architectures in a universal image are ignored. -platform Display the platform (e.g. macOS, iOS) that the binary was built for. -segments Display all segments and sections with size info. -linked_dylibs Display all dylibs that the binary is linked against. -inits Display all static initializers and Objective-C +load methods. -exports Display all exported symbols. -imports Display all imported symbols. -objc Display the Objective-C classes and categories defined. -fixups Display a simple table of fixup locations and what dyld will set them to. -fixup_chains If the binary uses chained fixups, displays the format of the chains and the starts. -fixup_chain_details Display a table of all the raw fixup chain bits and their meanings. -function_starts Display the offset of all functions starts and their name. -symbolic_fixups Display all fixups, grouped by data symbol. -opcodes Display all the opcodes used to generate the rebase and binding information. -uuid Display the UUID of the binary. -disassemble Display a disassemble of all code sections. -section segment-name section-name Display content of specified section. Content is formatted if the content type is known. -all_sections Display content of all sections. Content is formatted if the content type is known. -section_bytes segment-name section-name Display content of specified section as hex bytes. -all_sections_bytes Display content of all sections as hex bytes. -validate_only Display nothing if binary is valid, or information about what parts are malformed. -all_dir directory Will start at specified directory, recursively scan, and run dyld_info on each file found. -all_dyld_cache Will run dyld_info on every dylib in the dyld cache. SEE ALSO otool(1) nm(1) Darwin January 9, 2024 Darwin