HOSTNAME(1) General Commands Manual HOSTNAME(1) NAME hostname – set or print name of current host system SYNOPSIS hostname [-f] [-s | -d] [name-of-host] DESCRIPTION The hostname utility prints the name of the current host. The super-user can set the hostname by supplying an argument. To keep the hostname between reboots, run ‘scutil --set HostName name-of-host’. Options: -f Include domain information in the printed name. This is the default behavior. -s Trim off any domain information from the printed name. -d Only print domain information. EXAMPLES Set the host name of the machine and check the result: $ hostname $ hostname Do not show domain information: $ hostname -s beastie Show only domain information: $ hostname -d SEE ALSO gethostname(3), scutil(8) HISTORY The hostname command appeared in 4.2BSD. macOS 15.2 October 5, 2020 macOS 15.2