ibtool(1)                   General Commands Manual                  ibtool(1)

       ibtool - compiles, prints, updates, and verifies Interface Builder

       ibtool [options] document

       ibtool verifies, updates, and prints the contents of an Interface
       Builder document, generating its output in standard plist format.  The
       tool follows a "read", "modify", "write", "print" order of operations.

   Specifying Output:
       --write path
              Write the resulting Interface Builder document to the specified

       --output-format format
              By default, ibtool provides output in the form of an XML
              property list. Specifying binary1 will instruct ibtool to output
              a binary property list. Similarly, xml1 specifies an XML
              property list, and human-readable-text specifies human readable

       --compile path
              Compile the input file and write it to the specified path. The
              compile option instructs ibtool to convert an Interface Builder
              document to a file that can be loaded at runtime. The compile
              option can be combined with --flatten NO to produce an output
              file that is both runnable, and editable. Additionally,
              --warnings, --errors, and --output-format are three other
              options that are commonly combined with --compile.

       --flatten boolean
              When combined with the --compile option and a value of NO,
              --flatten instructs ibtool to produce an output file that is
              both runnable, and editable. This option is typically used when
              preparing a product for localization. If no value is specified,
              the default flattening option is YES.

       --module moduleName
              Specifies the module name to include in applicable custom class
              names at runtime. The module name should match the
              PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME build setting of the target for which the
              Interface Builder document is being compiled. This option is
              required for compiling any document that contains an object
              whose custom class is a Swift class and whose
              customModuleProvider attribute is set to target.

       --strip path
              Remove design-time content from the input Interface Builder NIB
              document and write the stripped output to path. Stripping a NIB
              reduces its size and makes it uneditable.

   Loading Bundles:
       --bundle bundlePath
              Load the bundle located at bundlePath.

       --previous-file previousFile
              Specifies the Interface Builder document from the previous
              development iteration for the purpose of incremental

       --incremental-file incrementalFile
              Specifies the Interface Builder document from which to take
              prior localizations during incremental localizations.
              incrementalFile will often be the translated version of the
              document specified with --previous-file.

              Consolidate the structural and localization changes between the
              input document, the document specified by previousFile, and the
              document specified by incrementalFile, writing the resulting
              document to the path specified by --write.  When specifying this
              option, one MUST provide a --previous-file and an

              When combined with the --compile option, this flag indicates
              that the files in the Base.lproj locale folder should be
              compiled to reference the matching external strings files found
              in the other locales when loaded. Available on 10.8 and later.

       --companion-strings-file locale:stringsFile
              When combined with the --compile option, --companion-strings-
              file specifies the locale and input path of a strings file
              associated with the compiled document. ibtool will copy the
              strings file into the lproj directory for that locale. If ibtool
              renames the output compiled document, it will rename the output
              strings file as well. This option implies --reference-external-
              strings-file and should be repeated once for each associated
              strings file. The output path provided with --compile must be
              located in a directory named "Base.lproj".

       --import plist
              Apply the property values specified in plist to the object in
              the Interface Builder document with the matching object ID.
              plist should be a plist in the format produced by --export, only
              with the dictionary containing the key
              com.apple.ibtool.document.export removed from surrounding the
              object IDs.  Note that setting a property in this manner may not
              actually modify the value of the property, or conversely may
              alter additional properties.  Often, the input to this option is
              a modified version of the output from --export. Combine this
              option with --write in order to produce an Interface Builder
              document with the modified property values.

       --import-strings-file stringsFile
              Replace the document's localizable strings with the translations
              specified by stringsFile.  stringsFile must be in the format
              generated by --generate-strings-file.

       --import-xliff XLIFFDocument
              Replace the document's localizable strings with the translations
              specified by XLIFFDocument.  XLIFFDocument must be in the format
              generated by --export-xliff.

       --export plist
              For each object in the Interface Builder document, export the
              union of the properties specified in plist for each class listed
              in plist of which the object is either a member, or a member of
              a descending class.  plist should be a plist composed of a
              dictionary with class names for keys, and arrays of property key
              paths for values.  The output is a plist composed of a
              dictionary under the key com.apple.ibtool.document.export, where
              each key is an object ID, and each value is a dictionary of
              property key paths to their corresponding value.  If a key in
              the second level dictionary begins with a ´.´, it isn't a key
              path.  Currently, the only special key is ".nilKeypaths", which
              identifies an array of key paths whose value was nil.

              An example of the plist format expected for the --export command
              follows; this sample will export the 'title' property of any
              NSCell in the given document.

              <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
              <plist version="1.0">

       --convert old-new
              Rename the class named 'old' to 'new'. If 'old' ends with an
              '*', then rename all classes beginning with 'old' to instead
              begin with 'new'. This Updates all outlet types, class names,
              custom classes, as well as actual instances.

              Upgrade the input Interface Builder document to the latest
              document type.  If the output path is not specified by --write,
              the upgraded document will be written to the input path.

              Remove any dependencies on Interface Builder 3 plug-ins so that
              the document may be used in Xcode, and write the resulting
              document to the path specified by --write. Instances of objects
              integrated by plug-ins are replaced with instances of classes
              integrated by system frameworks and the custom class is set to
              correspond to the old class. For each attribute set on the
              object, a corresponding User Defined Runtime Attribute is set on
              the resulting object where possible. Any unconverted key paths
              are reported. Conversion may result in changes to runtime
              behavior, thus converted files must be verified.

   Working with Auto Layout:
              Enables Auto Layout in the given document and writes the
              resulting document to the path specified by --write.

              Adjust the frames of misplaced or ambiguous objects to match
              their constraints. All misplaced and ambiguous objects in the
              output document specified by --write are affected by this
              option. Frames can only be updated in Xcode 5.0 documents that
              use Auto Layout.

              Adjust the constraint constants of misplaced objects so that the
              objects match their frames. All misplaced objects in the output
              document specified by --write are affected by this option.
              Constraints can only be updated in Xcode 5.0 documents that use
              Auto Layout.

   Printing File Contents:
       --export-strings-file stringsfile
              Extract the localizable strings from the Interface Builder
              document into stringsfile in the format expected by

       --export-xliff XLIFFDocument
              Extract the localizable strings from the Interface Builder
              document into XLIFFDocument as an XLIFF XML document in the
              format expected by --import-xliff.  This argument can be
              combined with the --source-language and --target-language
              arguments in order to specify the resultant XLIFF document's
              source and target languages.

       --source-language sourceLanguage
              Specifies the source language of the resultant XLIFF document.
              This argument MUST be used in conjunction with the
              --export-xliff argument.  If the --source-language argument is
              not specified, the language "en" is used by default.

       --target-language targetLanguage
              Specifies the target language of the resultant XLIFF document.
              This argument MUST be used in conjunction with the
              --export-xliff argument.  If the --target-language argument is
              not specified, no target language is used.

              Include document warning messages in ibtool's plist output.
              Warnings will appear under the key
              com.apple.ibtool.document.warnings, with messages listed under
              the subkey message and warning types under the subkey type.

              Include document error messages in ibtool's plist output.
              Errors will appear under the key
              com.apple.ibtool.document.errors, with messages listed under the
              subkey message and error types under the subkey type.

              Include document notice messages in ibtool's plist output.
              Notices will appear under the key
              com.apple.ibtool.document.notices, with messages listed under
              the subkey message and error types under the subkey type.

              Include the document's non-empty localizable strings in ibtool's
              plist output.  The localizable strings are output as a
              dictionary under the key
              com.apple.ibtool.document.localizable-strings, where the keys
              are the object ids for objects with localizable strings, and the
              values are dictionaries of property names and their associated
              localizable strings.  Empty strings are ignored.

              Include the document's localizable strings that are values of
              to-many relationships in ibtool's plist output.  The to-many
              localizable strings are output as a dictionary under the key
              com.apple.ibtool.document.localizable-stringarrays, where the
              keys are the object ids for objects with to-many localizable
              strings, and the values are dictionaries of property names and
              their associated array of localizable strings.

              Include the document's localizable geometry in ibtool's plist
              output.  The localizable geometry is output as a dictionary
              under the key com.apple.ibtool.document.localizable-geometry,
              where the keys are the object ids for objects with localizable
              geometry, and the values are dictionaries of property names and
              a plist representation of that geometry.

              Include the document's localizable attributes, other than
              strings and geometry, in ibtool's plist output.  These
              attributes are output as a dictionary under the key
              com.apple.ibtool.document.localizable-other, where the keys are
              the object ids for objects with the localizable attributes, and
              the values are dictionaries of localizable property names and
              their associated values.

              Include the document's localizable to-many relationships in
              ibtool's plist output.  These attributes are output as a
              dictionary under the key
              where the keys are the object ids for objects with the
              localizable attributes, and the values are dictionaries of
              localizable property names and their associated values.

              Include all the document's localizable attributes in ibtool's
              plist output.  The localizable attributes are output as a
              dictionary under the key
              com.apple.ibtool.document.localizable-all, where the keys are
              the objects ids of the objects with localizable properties, and
              the values are the union of the properties returned by
              --localizable-strings, --localizable-stringarrays,
              --localizable-geometry, and --localizable-other.

              Include the document's objects in ibtool's plist output.  The
              objects are output as a dictionary under the key
              com.apple.ibtool.document.objects, where the keys are the object
              ids, and the values are the associated object's properties.

              Include the document's hierarchy in ibtool's plist output.  The
              hierarchy is output as a nested array of dictionaries under the
              key com.apple.ibtool.document.hierarchy with the subkeys
              objectID, label, name, children, and customClass.

              Include the document's connections in ibtool's plist output.
              The connections are output as a dictionary under the key
              com.apple.ibtool.document.connections, where the keys are the
              object ids, and the values are dictionaries including the
              subkeys destination-id, destination-label, label, source-id,
              source-label, and type.

              Include the document's classes in ibtool's plist output.  The
              classes are output as a dictionary under the key
              com.apple.ibtool.document.classes, where the keys are the class
              names, and the values are dictionaries including the subkeys
              actions, outlets, superclass, and class.

              Print the version of IB/System Version used when the document
              was last saved.  The version history information is output under
              the key com.apple.ibtool.document.version-history with the
              subkey interface-builder-version.

       --all  Include all the information listed above in ibtool's plist

   Version Information:
              Print the version of ibtool.  The version information is output
              under the key com.apple.ibtool.version with the subkeys
              bundle-version and short-bundle-version.

       ibtool --export-strings-file file.strings file.nib
              ibtool will output a strings file containing all of file.nib's
              localizable strings.

       ibtool --previous-file orig.nib --incremental-file trans.nib
       --localize-incremental --write newTrans.nib mod.nib
              ibtool will leverage orig.nib against changes in mod.nib and
              localizations from trans.nib, and write the new translated nib.

       ibtool --previous-file orig.nib --incremental-file trans.nib
       --import-strings-file str.strings --localize-incremental mod.nib
       --write newTrans.nib
              ibtool will execute in the same manner as above, but will apply
              the strings from str.strings before writing the document.

       ibtool --warnings --errors --notices file.nib > alerts.plist
              alerts.plist will contain all warning, error, and notice
              messages from file.nib.

       ibtool --plugin path/to/some.plugin --localizable-geometry file.nib
              ibtool will load some.plugin and output a plist of all
              localizable geometry in file.nib.

       ibtool --convert oldName-newName file.nib
              ibtool will change all classes with the exact name "oldName" to
              be named "newName" instead.

       ibtool --convert Old'*'-New file
              ibtool will change all classes with names beginning with "Old",
              such as "OldName", "OldClassName", and "OldClass", to instead
              begin with "New".  For example, the previously mentioned classes
              would be changed to "NewName", "NewClassName", and "NewClass",

       ibtool --export export.plist file.nib
              ibtool will export properties specified in the export.plist, and
              output a plist mapping Object IDs to property values.

       ibtool --export-xliff generated.xlf inputDocument.xib
              ibtool will create an XLIFF document, "generated.xlf", that
              contains all of the localizable strings from the input document
              "inputDocument.xib".  As the source and target languages were
              not specified, English will be used as the source language, and
              the target language will not be included.

       ibtool --export-xliff generated.xlf --source-language es
       --target-language fr inputDocument.xib
              ibtool will create an XLIFF document, "generated.xlf", that
              contains all of the localizable strings from the input document
              "inputDocument.xib".  The source language of "generated.xlf" is
              marked as Spanish, and the target language is marked as French.

       ibtool --import-xliff translation.xlf --write translated.xib
              ibtool will apply the translations found in the XLIFF document
              "translation.xlf" to the input document "inputDocument.xib", and
              write the resulting translated document to "translated.xib".


Apple Inc.                        Mar 19 2015                        ibtool(1)