libgmalloc(3)              Library Functions Manual              libgmalloc(3)

     libgmalloc – (Guard Malloc), an aggressive debugging malloc library

     libgmalloc is a debugging malloc library that can track down insidious
     bugs in your code or library.  If your application crashes when using
     libgmalloc, then you've found a bug.

     libgmalloc is used in place of the standard system malloc, and uses the
     virtual memory system to identify memory access bugs.  Each malloc
     allocation is placed on its own virtual memory page (or pages).  By
     default, the returned address for the allocation is positioned such that
     the end of the allocated buffer is at the end of the last page, and the
     next page after that is kept unallocated.  Thus, accesses beyond the end
     of the buffer cause a bad access error immediately.  When memory is
     freed, libgmalloc deallocates its virtual memory, so reads or writes to
     the freed buffer cause a bad access error.  Bugs which had been difficult
     to isolate become immediately obvious, and you'll know exactly which code
     is causing the problem.

     Guard Malloc is thread-safe and works for all uses of malloc(),
     Objective-C's alloc method, C++'s new operator, and other functions which
     result in allocation in the malloc heap.

     As of Mac OS X 10.11, Guard Malloc works with purgeable memory.
     Allocations of *any* size that are allocated through
     malloc_zone_malloc(malloc_default_purgeable_zone(), <size>) are handled
     as purgeable memory. When malloc_make_purgeable() is called for a
     purgeable allocation, the memory is immediately purged. Attempting to
     access that memory will then cause a crash. To access that memory
     successfully, first call malloc_make_nonpurgeable() then recreate the

     As of Mac OS X 10.5, libgmalloc aligns the start of allocated buffers on
     16-byte boundaries by default, to allow proper use of vector instructions
     (e.g., SSE).  (The use of vector instructions is common, including in
     some Mac OS X system libraries.  The regular system malloc also uses
     16-byte alignment.)  Because of this 16-byte alignment, up to 15 bytes at
     the end of an allocated block may be excess at the end of the page, and
     libgmalloc will not detect buffer overruns into that area by default.
     This default alignment can be changed with environment variables.

     libgmalloc is available in /usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib.  To use it, set
     this environment variable:

           set DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES to /usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib

     Note:  it is no longer necessary to set DYLD_FORCE_FLAT_NAMESPACE.

     This tells dyld to use Guard Malloc instead of the standard version of
     malloc.  Run the program, and wait for the crash indicating the bad
     access.  When the program crashes, examine it in the debugger to identify
     the cause.

     As of Mac OS X 10.6, libgmalloc can be used with the standard malloc
     stack logging by setting the MallocStackLogging environment variable.
     The malloc_history(1) command can then be used to show backtraces of all
     malloc and free events made when using libgmalloc.

     Because the goal of libgmalloc is to "encourage" your application to
     crash if memory access errors occur, it is best to run your application
     under a debugger such as the Xcode IDE's debugger, or lldb at the command

     To use Guard Malloc with the Xcode debugger, choose Edit Scheme... from
     the Scheme popup.  Click on the Diagnostics tab then turn on the Enable
     Guard Malloc check box.  Then when launching the target application,
     Xcode automatically sets the DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES environment variable
     properly.  Xcode retains that setting with that executable.  To set any
     of the additional environment variables described below, click on the
     Arguments tab in the Scheme editor and add them in the Environment
     Variables section.

     If you're using lldb from the command line, use lldb's "settings set
     target.env-vars VAR=VALUE" command to set the environment variables.  Or
     simply use the "env VAR=VALUE" command alias.

     % cat gmalloctest.c
     #include <stdlib.h>
     #include <stdio.h>

     int main(int argc, char **argv) {
       unsigned *buffer = (unsigned *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned) * 100);
       unsigned i;

       for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
         buffer[i] = i;

       for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
         printf ("%d  ", buffer[i]);

     % cc -g -o gmalloctest gmalloctest.c
     % lldb gmalloctest
     Current executable set to 'gmalloctest' (x86_64).
     (lldb) env DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib
     (lldb) process launch
     Process 7895 launched: '/private/tmp/testit/gmalloctest' (x86_64)
     GuardMalloc[gmalloctest-7895]: Allocations will be placed on 16 byte boundaries.
     GuardMalloc[gmalloctest-7895]:  - Some buffer overruns may not be noticed.
     GuardMalloc[gmalloctest-7895]:  - Applications using vector instructions (e.g., SSE) should work.
     GuardMalloc[gmalloctest-7895]: version 105
     Process 7895 stopped
     * thread #1: tid = 0x6880e, 0x0000000100000eda gmalloctest`main(argc=1, argv=0x00007fff5fbffa00) + 74 at gmalloctest.c:9, stop reason = EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x100342000)
         frame #0: 0x0000000100000eda gmalloctest`main(argc=1, argv=0x00007fff5fbffa00) + 74 at gmalloctest.c:9
        6      unsigned i;
        8      for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
     -> 9        buffer[i] = i;
        10     }
        12     for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
     (lldb) print i
     (unsigned int) $0 = 100
     (lldb) print &buffer[i]
     (unsigned int *) $1 = 0x0000000100342000

     Once you have the backtrace, you can examine that line of source code to
     see what variable was accessed, and determine why that address was
     invalid memory.  In the example above, notice that it crashes when it
     tries to write one character beyond the end of the malloc'ed buffer it's
     operating on, causing a bad access error when accessing the protected
     page following the string.

     These sorts of problems may seem minor, especially when the application
     normally behaves correctly.  However, they're usually the hallmark of
     intermittent bugs or unexplained crashes in long running programs.  In
     normal use, the bug in the example program might have caused no problems
     at all... or it might have trashed the following buffer, leading
     occasionally to corrupted data.  If the application had been referencing
     freed memory, the program might have worked fine until the one time where
     the freed memory was immediately reused and modified.

     libgmalloc's behavior can be changed with several additional environment

     MALLOC_LOG_FILE <f>          Create or append messages to the given file
                                  path <f> instead of writing to the standard
                                  error. This can be set to /dev/null to
                                  completely suppress all output if necessary.

     MALLOC_PROTECT_BEFORE        If this flag is set, then libgmalloc tries
                                  harder to detect buffer underruns.
                                  Specifically, libgmalloc places the start of
                                  the allocated buffer at the beginning of a
                                  virtual memory page, then protects the page
                                  before.  Buffer underruns then cause an
                                  error.  The behavior without this variable
                                  set is to place the end of the buffer at the
                                  end of the last page of the allocation, and
                                  protect the page after.

     MALLOC_FILL_SPACE            This flag causes libgmalloc to fill the
                                  buffer with 0x55 upon creation.  This can
                                  help catch uninitialized memory problems.

     MALLOC_ALLOW_READS           This flag allows the guard page after the
                                  buffer to be readable so that reads past the
                                  ends of buffers do not cause the program to
                                  crash.  With the MALLOC_PROTECT_BEFORE flag
                                  set, this command instead sets the guard
                                  page before the buffer to be readable.

     MALLOC_VECTOR_SIZE           This option is the default alignment, as of
                                  Mac OS X 10.5.  With this option, Guard
                                  Malloc places allocations on 16 byte
                                  boundaries, because vector instructions
                                  (e.g., SSE) require buffers to be on 16 byte
                                  boundaries.  (The use of vector instructions
                                  is becoming more common in some Mac OS X
                                  system libraries.)

     MALLOC_WORD_SIZE             This flag specifies that Guard Malloc should
                                  place allocations on word (4-byte)
                                  boundaries, with the end of the buffer on
                                  the last 4 bytes of the page.  This option
                                  is useful because Carbon assumes that
                                  pointers are word aligned, and without the
                                  word alignment, any program relying on Cocoa
                                  or Carbon would immediately crash.

     MALLOC_STRICT_SIZE           This flag specifies that Guard Malloc should
                                  always align all allocations on single-byte
                                  boundaries such that the last byte of the
                                  buffer is at the end of the page.  This will
                                  immediately catch even one-byte buffer
                                  overruns, but applications that use Carbon
                                  or Cocoa, or vector instructions, may not
                                  run properly with this option.

     MALLOC_ALLOW_LARGE_REQUESTS  GuardMalloc tries to protect against
                                  requests for large amounts of memory by
                                  instructing the program to trap (if running
                                  under the debugger) if more than 100MB is
                                  requested.  If this environment variable is
                                  set, then the check is disabled.

     MALLOC_MAXIMUM_VM            To test how a process handles running out of
                                  memory, set this variable to the maximum
                                  size, in bytes, of the allocations for the
                                  process (including the extra overhead from
                                  rounding allocations up to a full page
                                  size).  When this limit is hit, attempts to
                                  allocate additional memory return NULL.  If
                                  MALLOC_ALLOW_LARGE_REQUESTS is not set it
                                  will also trap (if running under the

     MALLOC_CHECK_HEADER          This flag is enabled by default, which
                                  causes Guard Malloc to check the validity of
                                  a magic number in the malloc block header
                                  when a block is freed or reallocated.  To
                                  turn off this checking, set this environment
                                  variable to NO or 0.

     MallocStackLogging           If this flag is set, then standard system
                                  malloc stack logging is enabled.  The
                                  malloc_history(1) command can then be used
                                  to show backtraces of all malloc and free
                                  events made when using libgmalloc.

     It's often useful to understand how Guard Malloc uses memory when
     debugging.  Guard Malloc writes strange byte sequences to catch certain
     problems.  If the MALLOC_FILL_SPACE environment variable is set, newly
     allocated buffers will be filled with the value 0x55 in hopes of catching
     references to uninitialized memory.

     The space right before the buffer is dedicated to header information.  If
     MALLOC_PROTECT_BEFORE was set, the header immediately follows the buffer.
     The header is 16 bytes in 32-bit processes and 32 bytes in 64-bit
     processes and is organized as:

     magic number (0xdeadbeef in 32-bit, or 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef in 64-bit)
     size of buffer + size of header
     thread id
     magic number again

     Because each allocation requires at least two pages of virtual memory, in
     32-bit processes only about 500,000 malloc allocations could exist before
     the process runs out of virtual memory.

     Processes using Guard Malloc may run more slowly.  In addition, the extra
     pressure on the virtual memory system when running a process with Guard
     Malloc can cause top(1) to update its output more slowly.

     Don't forget -- if there's a memory bug in your program, the program will
     crash in Guard Malloc.  This is a feature!


Mac OS X                         Mar. 18, 2015                        Mac OS X