opendirectoryd(8)           System Manager's Manual          opendirectoryd(8)

     opendirectoryd – is a launchd(8) job for client access to local or remote
     directory systems

     opendirectoryd [--version]

     opendirectoryd is a launchd(8) job which replaces "DirectoryService" as a
     core part of the Open Directory technology. Several modules are provided
     that allow access to existing directory systems:

           •   Active Directory
           •   LDAP
           •   Local Database
           •   NIS

     opendirectoryd modules have specific capabilities:

           Authentication  password verification, password changes, etc.
           Connection      general connections used for queries, record
                           modifications, etc.
           Discovery       location and prioritization of servers to contact
                           (a.k.a., service discovery)
           Unspecified     a generic module used for unspecified purpose
                           (usually to extend capabilities)

     Third party plugins developed for "DirectoryService" are supported via

   Open Directory
     Open Directory is a technology which includes a client API abstraction
     layer, a directory server, and the opendirectoryd daemon.  This allows
     clients to utilize a single API to access a variety of directory servers
     simultaneously or configure their own directory server.

     Open Directory forms the foundation of how Mac OS X accesses all
     authoritative configuration information (users, groups, mounts, managed
     desktop data, etc.).  This allows use of virtually any directory system
     via Apple and third party modules.

     Configuration of opendirectoryd is done via "System Preferences" under
     the "Users & Groups" preference pane. Advanced settings are available by
     using "Open Directory Utility..." within "Users & Groups" preference

     More information is available from the Open Directory website:

   Open Directory Server
     Open Directory Server utilizes OpenLDAP which is included as part of Mac
     OS X Client, Mac OS X Server, and Darwin. OpenLDAP provides a robust and
     scalable platform for serving directory-based information for both
     standalone and networked systems.

   NFSv4 Domain name
     The following will set the default domain name used to map user and group
     identities in NFSv4 client/server operations.

     dscl . -create Config/NFSv4Domain RealName <>

     This command requires root privileges.

     Files are stored in various locations for opendirectoryd depending on
     use.  A list of folders and files are shown below.

   System files provided by Apple and should only change with operating system
                                                  node configuration files
                                                  dynamic node definitions
     /System/Library/OpenDirectory/Mappings/      record/attribute mapping
     /System/Library/OpenDirectory/Modules/       modules to be loaded on
     /System/Library/OpenDirectory/Templates/     templates used for node
                                                  styles (module layout and
                                                  record/attribute schema
                                                  OpenDirectory global
                                                  record/attribute permissions

   User defined files:
     /Library/OpenDirectory/Templates/            templates used for node
                                                  styles (module layout and
     /Library/OpenDirectory/Mappings/             record/attribute mapping

   Files that change periodically are located in:
                                                  node configuration files
                                                  dynamic data stored by nodes
                                                  enables debug logging until
                                                  process exits or system is
                                                  rebooted (reboot required)
     /var/log/opendirectoryd.log*                 log file(s) for

   Legacy locations:
     /Library/DirectoryServices/PlugIns/          third party DirectoryService
                                                  plugins loaded by

     odutil(1), dspluginhelperd(8), slapd(8)

macOS 15.2                       March 3, 2011                      macOS 15.2