spindump(8)                 System Manager's Manual                spindump(8)

     spindump – Profile entire system during a time interval

     spindump [pid | partial-name [duration [interval]]] [<options>]

     spindump is used by various system components to create reports when an
     unresponsive application is force quit. Reports are stored at:


     For normal application force quits spindump will display a dialog to
     offer the choice to view more details and/or send a report to Apple.


     When run manually, spindump samples user and kernel callstacks for every
     process in the system. Spindump supports two display formats for
     callstacks, heavy and timeline, and includes a binary representation of
     its data at the end of reports for re-reporting with different options
     (see -i ). Spindump can also parse reports in timeline format even
     without a binary representation to re-report them in heavy format.

     When displayed in heavy format, callstacks are sorted by count and each
     unique callstack is displayed once. In this snippet:

     84  __CFRunLoopRun + 1161 (CoreFoundation + 460665) [0x7fff8d662779]

     Address 0x7fff8d662779 was sampled 84 times in total, not necessarily
     consecutively. The address corresponds __CFRunLoopRun in CoreFoundation.

     When displayed in timeline format, callstacks are sorted so that the leaf
     frames in the call tree are presented in chronological order. Each frame
     includes a time range of consecutive callstacks in which the frame was
     seen, which can be compared with the range of other frames to determine
     concurrency. If multiple samples of the same callstack were not
     consecutive, the callstack will be displayed multiple times. In this

     23  __CFRunLoopRun + 1161 (CoreFoundation + 460665) [0x7fff8d662779]

     Address 0x7fff8d662779 was sampled 23 times consecutively from the 50th
     to 72nd sample.

     In timeline format, spindump notes state changes for threads, e.g.:

     <darwinbg, timers coalesced>

     which indicates the change in state for the samples that follow. Any
     state not mentioned is unchanged from previous samples. The state
     information spindump reports includes thread QoS, darwinbg, importance
     inheritance boost, suppression for App Nap, latency QoS (timers), I/O
     throttling tier, and cpu priority.

     Leaf frames will indicate whether the thread was running/runnable or

     A leading star (*) indicates a kernel frame or library.

     pid or partial-name the process to be sorted topmost in the report.
     "-notarget" may be used to avoid providing a target process when
     specifying a duration and interval.

     duration the duration of the sampling in seconds. If not specified, the
     default of 10 seconds is used.  interval the number of miliseconds
     between samples. If not specified, the default of 10 miliseconds is used.

     -i path Read in the file located at path rather than sampling the live
     system. Supported file formats are:

         * Spindump text files containing a spindump binary format
         * Spindump text files without a spindump binaty format written in
     timeline mode (with limited options, and only callstacks will be updated;
     summary information will not change)
         * Tailspin files
         * Concatenated kcdata stackshots
         * Concatenated microstackshots

     -o path Specifies where the report should be written. If path is a file,
     it will be overwritten. If path is a directory, a file will be created
     inside that directory with the name following the format
     <appname>_<pid>.spindump.txt. If a file by that name already exists,
     spindump will add a unique number to the filename. If not specified,
     spindump will output reports to files inside /tmp.

     -indexRange s-e Only include samples in the given range

     -startIndex s Omit frames before sample number s

     -endIndex e Omit frames after sample number e

     -heavy Sort callstacks by count (default)

     -timeline Sort callstacks chronologically

     -wait Wait for the process to exist before sampling. If the process
     already exists, spindump will begin sampling immediately.

     -onlyRunnable Only display runnable callstacks

     -onlyBlocked Only display non-runnable callstacks

     -onlyTarget Only sample the target process (allows faster sampling rates)

     -proc proc If -onlyTarget is provided, sample proc as well. This option
     may be specified multiple times

     -sampleWithoutTarget Keep sampling for the entire sampling duration even
     if the target process exits

     -timelimit t Exit after t seconds even if the report hasn't been saved

     -stdout Print the report to stdout (in addition to writing to a file)

     -noFile Do not output to a file. Implies -stdout and will include the
     binary format in the stdout output

     -noBinary Do not include the spindump binary format at the bottom of the
     report (the file will not be able to be re-parsed)

     -noText Do not include the textual report, only include the binary format

     -open appname Specifies an app in which to open the resulting report

     -reveal Reveal the resulting report in Finder

     -siginfo After sampling, wait for SIGINFO before generating the report

     -delayonsignal d Stop sampling d seconds after receiving a signal to stop
     sampling instead of stopping immediately

     -threadprioritythreshold t Filter out any threads that have a priority
     below the given threshold. Pass a negative number to filter out threads
     that have a priority above the given threshold's absolute value

     -nothrottle Do not throttle sampling rate on excessive memory growth

     -noProcessingWhileSampling Do not parse stackshots until done sampling

     -displayIdleWorkQueueThreads Display idle work queue threads in the
     textual report (by default they are omitted)

     -aggregateCallTreesByThread Group call trees by thread ID rather than by
     dispatch queue

     -aggregateCallTreesByProcess Each process gets one call tree for all

     -omitFramesBelowSampleCount c Omit frames with count below c

     Microstackshots are gathered by the kernel to provide extremely
     lightweight sampling of single threads at a time. They can be viewed in
     spindump via the microstackshot command line options:

     -microstackshots Report on interrupt microstackshots, which provide a
     sampling of where cpu time is spent. This is the default mode if
     -microstackshots_io is not provided

     -microstackshots_io Report on I/O microstackshots, which provide a
     sampling of where file backed memory is dirtied

     -microstackshots_datastore path When reporting microstackshots, read from
     this location rather than using the live system's microstackshots. When
     saving with -microstackshots_save, write to this location

     -microstackshots_save Save microstackshot from the live system to the
     path specified by -microstackshots_datastore instead of generating a
     textual report

     -microstackshots_starttime date Only report microstackshots after this
     time. The date can be a string like "11/14/12 12:00am" or a single number
     representing a unix timestamp in seconds

     -microstackshots_endtime date Only report microstackshots before this
     time. The date can be a string like "11/14/12 12:00am" or a single number
     representing a unix timestamp in seconds

     -microstackshots_pid pid Only report microstackshots for the given
     process id

     -microstackshots_threadid thread_id Only report microstackshots for the
     given thread id

     -microstackshots_dsc_path path Path to a directory containing dyld shared
     cache layout files. If not specified, spindump uses the historical
     information for the current machine

     -batteryonly Only include microstackshots taken while the machine was
     running on battery power

     -aconly Only include microstackshots taken while the machine was running
     on AC power

     -useridleonly Only include microstackshots taken while the user was idle

     -useractiveonly Only include microstackshots taken while the user was

     SubmitDiagInfo(8), sample(1)

Darwin                          April 19, 2016                          Darwin