Tweets for May 07, 2009

9:28 am
Rotated the bike tires at ~1750 miles. Should have done it a few hundred miles ago, but it was too cold to work outside then.

3:13 pm
I’m back to Safari 3. The beta of 4 seemed to go SPOD all the time.

3:46 pm
Embedded videos (e.g. YouTube) won’t play in Safari 3 after reverting from Beta 4. They play in OmniWeb and Firefox. What to do?

3:57 pm
Ah, it was SafariStand acting up. Probably because the version I had installed was for Safari 4.

5:10 pm
Looks like a short break in the rain is coming from the west. Time to get on the bike and scoot home.

6:42 pm
Hey, the Virginia prescription database thief uses Markdown!

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