Date-without-time stamps

A while ago, I lost Eddie Smith’s Practically Efficient blog from my homemade RSS aggregator. At first, I thought it was because his feed URL had changed when he switched from Squarespace to Jekyll, but today I learned it was because of a more subtle change: the datestamps on his feed’s new entries didn’t include the time, and my aggregator was misinterpreting that and filtering them out. I’ve rewritten the datestamp filtering portion of the aggregator to fix this problem, which not only brought back not only Eddie’s feed but also XKCD’s.

It’s not that I stopped reading Practically Efficient during these past several weeks. Eddie always tweets a link to his latest post, so I was keeping up via Twitter, like all the cool kids do nowadays. But I really wanted him back in my RSS aggregator, so today I decided to dig in and find out what was keeping him out.

It wasn’t, as I hinted above, because he’d changed his feed URL. I checked, and it’s the same as it’s been for years. So I used curl to look at his feed directly:


His feed includes entries for the last ten posts. The entry for today’s post looks like this:

  <title>Fear more</title>
  <description>&lt;p&gt;Focusing your time on a narrower set of priorities is the biggest gut check you can experience in business and life. It is a never-ending fight with your primal self. Feature bloat, mass marketing, and “do it all” are driven by fear, and the internet age enables that fear like no other medium devised by humanity.&lt;/p&gt;

&lt;p&gt;Before you decide to spend time making &lt;em&gt;more&lt;/em&gt; instead of making something &lt;em&gt;better&lt;/em&gt;, ask yourself: what am I afraid of?&lt;/p&gt;

  <pubDate>Wed, 11 May 2016 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate>
  <guid isPermaLink="true"></guid>


The key to his disappearance from my aggregator is the <pubDate>, the contents of which are

Wed, 11 May 2016 00:00:00 +0000

Did Eddie really post his article at midnight UTC? No, he posted it sometime on the 11th, and Jekyll (or maybe some other part of his publishing system) set the pubDate to the correct date but somehow defaulted to midnight for the time portion. If you look through all ten entries in Eddie’s feed, you’ll see that all of them have a time entry of

00:00:00 +0000

This time stamp is why my aggregator was filtering out his posts. As I said in my initial article about the aggregator script, it runs periodically on my server to create an HTML file with “today’s” posts from the sites I subscribe to. To avoid missing articles published late in the evening, I define “today” as anytime after 10:00 pm US Central Time on the previous day. So whenever the script runs on May 11, it creates a page with every post published after 10:00 pm Central Time on May 10. Eddie’s post for May 11 has a timestamp of midnight UTC, which in Central Time is 7:00 pm of May 10, so the script saw it as an older post and filtered it out. And that’s what’s been happening to every one of Eddie’s posts for several weeks.

What to do? I could ask Eddie to change his publishing system to accommodate my aggregator, but that seems presumptuous. Better to rewrite the aggregator to handle this case, especially since his isn’t the only feed that defaults to midnight UTC timestamps. XKCD does the same thing, and I’m sure there are others.

So here’s the new aggregator script:

  1:  #!/usr/bin/env python
  2:  # coding=utf8
  4:  import feedparser as fp
  5:  import time
  6:  from datetime import datetime, timedelta
  7:  import pytz
  9:  subscriptions = [
 10:    '',
 11:    '',
 12:    '',
 13:    '',
 14:    '',
 15:    '',
 16:    '',
 17:    '',
 18:    '',
 19:    '',
 20:    '',
 21:    '',
 22:    '',
 23:    '',
 24:    '',
 25:    '',
 26:    '',
 27:    '',
 28:    '',
 29:    '',
 30:    '',
 31:    '',
 32:    '',
 33:    '',
 34:    '',
 35:    '',
 36:    '',
 37:    '',
 38:    '',
 39:    '',
 40:    '',
 41:    '',
 42:    '',
 43:    '',
 44:    '',
 45:    '',
 46:    '',
 47:    '',
 48:    '',
 49:    '',
 50:    '',
 51:    '',
 52:    '',
 53:    '',
 54:    '',
 55:    '',
 56:    '',
 57:    '',
 58:    '',
 59:    '',
 60:    '',
 61:    '',
 62:    '',
 63:    '']
 65:  # Date and time setup. I want only posts from today,
 66:  # where "today" starts at 10 PM of the previous day and
 67:  # lasts until 2 AM of the following day.
 68:  # Exception: if the entry's date is today with a timestamp
 69:  # of exactly midnight (00:00:00), include that, too, even
 70:  # if its timezone is UTC, as that probably represents a
 71:  # datestamp of today without a real timestamp.
 72:  utc = pytz.utc
 73:  homeTZ = pytz.timezone('US/Central')
 74:  mnToday =, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
 75:  dt =
 76:  if dt.hour < 2:
 77:    dt -= timedelta(hours=48)
 78:  else:
 79:    dt -= timedelta(hours=24)
 80:  start = dt.replace(hour=22, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
 81:  start = start.astimezone(utc)
 84:  # Collect all of today's posts and put them in a list of tuples.
 85:  posts = []
 86:  for s in subscriptions:
 87:    f = fp.parse(s)
 88:    try:
 89:      blog = f['feed']['title']
 90:    except KeyError:
 91:      continue
 92:    for e in f['entries']:
 93:      try:
 94:        when = e['published_parsed']
 95:      except KeyError:
 96:        when = e['updated_parsed']
 97:      when =  datetime(*when[:6])
 98:      # This is the exception. Change it to midnight today, local time.
 99:      if when == mnToday:
100:        when = homeTZ.localize(when).astimezone(utc)
101:      else:
102:        when = utc.localize(when)
103:      if when > start:
104:        title = e['title']
105:        try:
106:          body = e['content'][0]['value']
107:        except KeyError:
108:          body = e['summary']
109:        link = e['link']
110:        posts.append((when, blog, title, link, body))
112:  # Sort the posts in reverse chronological order.
113:  posts.sort()
114:  posts.reverse()
116:  # Turn them into an HTML list.
117:  listTemplate = '''<li>
118:    <p class="title"><a href="{3}">{2}</a></p>
119:    <p class="info">{1}<br />{0}</p>
120:    <p>{4}</p>\n</li>'''
121:  litems = []
122:  for p in posts:
123:    q = [ x.encode('utf8') for x in p[1:] ]
124:    timestamp = p[0].astimezone(homeTZ)
125:    q.insert(0, timestamp.strftime('%b %d, %Y %I:%M %p'))
126:    litems.append(listTemplate.format(*q))
127:  ul = '\n<hr />\n'.join(litems)
129:  # Print the HTMl.
130:  print '''<html>
131:  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
132:  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
133:  <head>
134:  <style>
135:  body {{
136:    background-color: #555;
137:    width: 750px;
138:    margin-top: 0;
139:    margin-left: auto;
140:    margin-right: auto;
141:    padding-top: 0;
142:  }}
143:  h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {{
144:    font-family: Helvetica, Sans-serif;
145:  }}
146:  h1 {{
147:    font-size: 110%;
148:  }}
149:  h2 {{
150:    font-size: 105%;
151:  }}
152:  h3, h4, h5, h6 {{
153:    font-size: 100%;
154:  }}
155:  .rss {{
156:    list-style-type: none;
157:    margin: 0;
158:    padding: .5em 1em 1em 1.5em;
159:    background-color: white;
160:  }}
161:  .rss li {{
162:    margin-left: -.5em;
163:    line-height: 1.4;
164:  }}
165:  .rss li pre {{
166:    overflow: auto;
167:  }}
168:  .rss li p {{
169:    overflow-wrap: break-word;
170:    word-wrap: break-word;
171:    word-break: break-word;
172:    -webkit-hyphens: auto;
173:    hyphens: auto;
174:  }}
175:  .rss li figure {{
176:    -webkit-margin-before: 0;
177:    -webkit-margin-after: 0;
178:    -webkit-margin-start: 0;
179:    -webkit-margin-end: 0;
180:  }}
181:  .title {{
182:    font-weight: bold;
183:    font-family: Helvetica, Sans-serif;
184:    font-size: 120%;
185:    margin-bottom: .25em;
186:  }}
187:  .title a {{
188:    text-decoration: none;
189:    color: black;
190:  }}
191:  .info {{
192:    font-size: 85%;
193:    margin-top: 0;
194:    margin-left: .5em;
195:  }}
196:  img {{
197:    max-width: 700px;
198:  }}
199:  @media screen and (max-width:667px) {{
200:    body {{
201:      font-size: 200%;
202:      width: 650px;
203:      background-color: white;
204:    }}
205:    .rss li {{
206:      line-height: normal;
207:    }}
208:    img {{
209:      max-width: 600px;
210:    }}
211:  }}
212:  </style>
213:  <title>Today’s RSS</title>
214:  <body>
215:  <ul class="rss">
216:  {}
217:  </ul>
218:  </body>
219:  </html>
220:  '''.format(ul)

The new stuff starts on Line 74, with the variable mnToday being defined as a datetime object set to midnight today with no assigned time zone. Then Lines 99–102 check to see if the publication date of an entry (the value of when) matches mnToday.

If it matches mnToday, we assume the time portion has been set by default and should be considered somewhat fictional. We set it to midnight Central Time so it will be included in today’s feed list and then convert it to UTC, because that’s how all the other timestamps are handled. If the publication date of the entry doesn’t match mnToday, it’s taken as a legitimate UTC time and not adjusted.

So now I have Eddie back, and as a bonus, my aggregator is more robust than it was before. I think I’ve said this before: I understand why Brent Simmons got out of the RSS parsing business.