XCODEBUILD(1)               General Commands Manual              XCODEBUILD(1)

     xcodebuild – build Xcode projects and workspaces

     xcodebuild [-project name.xcodeproj]
                [[-target targetname] ... | -alltargets]
                [-configuration configurationname]
                [-sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [action ...]
                [buildsetting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...]

     xcodebuild [-project name.xcodeproj] -scheme schemename
                [[-destination destinationspecifier] ...]
                [-destination-timeout value]
                [-configuration configurationname]
                [-sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [action ...]
                [buildsetting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...]

     xcodebuild -workspace name.xcworkspace -scheme schemename
                [[-destination destinationspecifier] ...]
                [-destination-timeout value]
                [-configuration configurationname]
                [-sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [action ...]
                [buildsetting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...]

     xcodebuild -version [-sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [infoitem]

     xcodebuild -showsdks

     xcodebuild -showBuildSettings
                [-project name.xcodeproj | [-workspace
                name.xcworkspace -scheme schemename]]

     xcodebuild -showdestinations
                [-project name.xcodeproj | [-workspace
                name.xcworkspace -scheme schemename]]

     xcodebuild -showTestPlans
                [-project name.xcodeproj | -workspace name.xcworkspace]
                -scheme schemename

     xcodebuild -list [-project name.xcodeproj | -workspace name.xcworkspace]

     xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath xcarchivepath
                -exportPath destinationpath -exportOptionsPlist path
     xcodebuild -exportNotarizedApp -archivePath xcarchivepath
                -exportPath destinationpath

     xcodebuild -exportLocalizations -project name.xcodeproj
                -localizationPath path [[-exportLanguage language] ...]
     xcodebuild -importLocalizations -project name.xcodeproj
                -localizationPath path

     xcodebuild builds one or more targets contained in an Xcode project, or
     builds a scheme contained in an Xcode workspace or Xcode project.

     To build an Xcode project, run xcodebuild from the directory containing
     your project (i.e. the directory containing the name.xcodeproj package).
     If you have multiple projects in the this directory you will need to use
     -project to indicate which project should be built.  By default,
     xcodebuild builds the first target listed in the project, with the
     default build configuration. The order of the targets is a property of
     the project and is the same for all users of the project.

     To build an Xcode workspace, you must pass both the -workspace and
     -scheme options to define the build.  The parameters of the scheme will
     control which targets are built and how they are built, although you may
     pass other options to xcodebuild to override some parameters of the

     There are also several options that display info about the installed
     version of Xcode or about projects or workspaces in the local directory,
     but which do not initiate an action.  These include -list,
     -showBuildSettings, -showdestinations, -showsdks, -showTestPlans, -usage,
     and -version.

     -project name.xcodeproj
           Build the project name.xcodeproj.  Required if there are multiple
           project files in the same directory.

     -target targetname
           Build the target specified by targetname.

           Build all the targets in the specified project.

     -workspace name.xcworkspace
           Build the workspace name.xcworkspace.

     -scheme schemename
           Build the scheme specified by schemename.  Required if building a

     -destination destinationspecifier
           Use the destination device described by destinationspecifier.
           Defaults to a destination that is compatible with the selected
           scheme.  See the Destinations section below for more details.

     -destination-timeout timeout
           Use the specified timeout when searching for a destination device.
           The default is 30 seconds.

     -configuration configurationname
           Use the build configuration specified by configurationname when
           building each target.

     -arch architecture
           Use the architecture specified by architecture when building each

     -sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]
           Build an Xcode project or workspace against the specified SDK,
           using build tools appropriate for that SDK. The argument may be an
           absolute path to an SDK, or the canonical name of an SDK.

           Lists all available SDKs that Xcode knows about, including their
           canonical names suitable for use with -sdk.  Does not initiate a

           Lists the build settings for targets in a project or workspace.
           Does not initiate a build. Use with -target or with -scheme. With
           -scheme, optionally pass a build action (such as build or test) to
           use targets from the matching scheme action.

           Lists the valid destinations for a project or workspace and scheme.
           Does not initiate a build. Use with -project or -workspace and

           Display a report of the timings of all the commands invoked during
           the build.

           Lists the test plans (if any) associated with the specified scheme.
           Does not initiate a build. Use with -scheme.

           Lists the targets and configurations in a project, or the schemes
           in a workspace. Does not initiate a build. Use with -project or

     -enableAddressSanitizer [YES | NO]
           Turns the address sanitizer on or off. This overrides the setting
           for the launch action of a scheme in a workspace.

     -enableThreadSanitizer [YES | NO]
           Turns the thread sanitizer on or off. This overrides the setting
           for the launch action of a scheme in a workspace.

     -enableUndefinedBehaviorSanitizer [YES | NO]
           Turns the undefined behavior sanitizer on or off. This overrides
           the setting for the launch action of a scheme in a workspace.

     -enableCodeCoverage [YES | NO]
           Turns code coverage on or off during testing. This overrides the
           setting for the test action of a scheme in a workspace.

     -testLanguage language
           Specifies ISO 639-1 language during testing. This overrides the
           setting for the test action of a scheme in a workspace.

     -testRegion region
           Specifies ISO 3166-1 region during testing. This overrides the
           setting for the test action of a scheme in a workspace.

     -derivedDataPath path
           Overrides the folder that should be used for derived data when
           performing an action on a scheme in a workspace.

     -resultBundlePath path
           Writes a bundle to the specified path with results from performing
           an action on a scheme in a workspace. If the path already exists,
           xcodebuild will exit with an error. Intermediate directories will
           be created automatically. The bundle contains build logs, code
           coverage reports, XML property lists with test results, screenshots
           and other attachments collected during testing, and various
           diagnostic logs.

           Allow xcodebuild to communicate with the Apple Developer website.
           For automatically signed targets, xcodebuild will create and update
           profiles, app IDs, and certificates. For manually signed targets,
           xcodebuild will download missing or updated provisioning profiles.
           Requires a developer account to have been added in Xcode's Accounts
           preference pane.

           Allow xcodebuild to register your destination device on the Apple
           Developer website if necessary. Requires -allowProvisioningUpdates.

           Specifies the path to an authentication key issued by App Store
           Connect. If specified, xcodebuild will authenticate with the Apple
           Developer website using this credential. Requires
           -authenticationKeyID and -authenticationKeyIssuerID.

           Specifies the key identifier associated with the App Store Conect
           authentication key at -authenticationKeyPath.  This string can be
           located in the users and access details for your provider at
            ⟨URL: https://appstoreconnect.apple.com ⟩

           Specifies the App Store Connect issuer identifier associated with
           the authentication key at -authenticationKeyPath.  This string can
           be located in the users and access details for your provider at
            ⟨URL: https://appstoreconnect.apple.com ⟩

           Specifies that an archive should be distributed. Requires
           -archivePath and -exportOptionsPlist. For exporting, -exportPath is
           also required. Cannot be passed along with an action.

           Export an archive that has been notarized by Apple. Requires
           -archivePath and -exportPath.

     -archivePath xcarchivepath
           Specifies the path for the archive produced by the archive action,
           or specifies the archive that should be exported when
           -exportArchive or -exportNotarizedApp is passed.

     -exportPath destinationpath
           Specifies the destination for the exported product, including the
           name of the exported file.

     -exportOptionsPlist path
           Specifies options for -exportArchive.  xcodebuild -help can print
           the full set of available options.

           Exports localizations to XLIFF files. Requires -project and
           -localizationPath. Cannot be passed along with an action.

           Imports localizations from an XLIFF file. Requires -project and
           -localizationPath. Cannot be passed along with an action.

           Specifies a path to a directory or a single XLIFF localization

     -exportLanguage language
           Specifies optional ISO 639-1 languages included in a localization
           export. May be repeated to specify multiple languages. May be
           excluded to specify an export includes only development language

     action ...
           Specify one or more actions to perform. Available actions are:

           build                  Build the target in the build root
                                  (SYMROOT).  This is the default action, and
                                  is used if no action is given.

           build-for-testing      Build the target and associated tests in the
                                  build root (SYMROOT).  This will also
                                  produce an xctestrun file in the build root.
                                  This requires specifying a scheme.

           analyze                Build and analyze a target or scheme from
                                  the build root (SYMROOT).  This requires
                                  specifying a scheme.

           archive                Archive a scheme from the build root
                                  (SYMROOT).  This requires specifying a

           test                   Test a scheme from the build root (SYMROOT).
                                  This requires specifying a scheme and
                                  optionally a destination.

           test-without-building  Test compiled bundles. If a scheme is
                                  provided with -scheme then the command finds
                                  bundles in the build root (SRCROOT).  If an
                                  xctestrun file is provided with -xctestrun
                                  then the command finds bundles at paths
                                  specified in the xctestrun file.

           docbuild               Build the target and associated
                                  documentation in the build root (SRCROOT).

           installsrc             Copy the source of the project to the source
                                  root (SRCROOT).

           install                Build the target and install it into the
                                  target's installation directory in the
                                  distribution root (DSTROOT).

           clean                  Remove build products and intermediate files
                                  from the build root (SYMROOT).

     -xcconfig filename
           Load the build settings defined in filename when building all
           targets.  These settings will override all other settings,
           including settings passed individually on the command line.

     -testProductsPath path-to-xctestproducts
           Specifies xctestproducts path.  XCTestProducts are a unified test
           product format for XCTest. Can only be used with build-for-testing
           or test-without-building action.  Cannot be used with -workspace or
           -project.  When used with build-for-testing the path will be used
           as the destination for where the xctestproducts archive is written
           to.  Example path: MyProject_MyScheme.xctestproducts When used with
           test-without-building the path will be used as the source of which
           xctestproducts archive to use for testing.  test-without-building
           -testProductsPath Cannot be used with -workspace or -project.

     -xctestrun xctestrunpath
           Specifies test run parameters. Can only be used with the
           test-without-building action. Cannot be used with -workspace or
           -project.  See
            ⟨URL: x-man-page://5/xcodebuild.xctestrun ⟩ for file format

     -testPlan test-plan-name
           Specifies which test plan associated with the scheme should be used
           for testing. Pass the name of the .xctestplan file without its

     -skip-testing test-identifier, -only-testing test-identifier
           Constrain test targets, classes, or methods in test actions.
           -only-testing constrains a test action to only testing a specified
           identifier, and excluding all other identifiers.  -skip-testing
           constrains a test action to skip testing a specified identifier,
           but including all other identifiers. Test identifiers have the form
           TestTarget[/TestClass[/TestMethod]]. The TestTarget component of an
           identifier is the name of a unit or UI testing bundle as shown in
           the Test Navigator. An xcodebuild command can combine multiple
           constraint options, but -only-testing has precedence over

     -skip-test-configuration test-configuration-name,
           -only-test-configuration test-configuration-name
           Constrain test configurations in test actions.
           -only-test-configuration constrains a test action to only test a
           specified test configuration within a test plan, and exclude all
           other test configurations.  -skip-test-configuration constrains a
           test action to skip a specified test configuration, but include all
           other test configurations. Each test configuration name must match
           the name of a configuration specified in a test plan and is case-
           sensitive. An xcodebuild command can combine multiple constraint
           options, but -only-test-configuration has precedence over

           Do not run tests on the specified destinations concurrently. The
           full test suite will run to completion on a given destination
           before it begins on the next.

     -maximum-concurrent-test-device-destinations number
           If multiple device destinations are specified (and
           -disable-concurrent-destination-testing is not passed), only test
           on number devices at a time. For example, if four iOS devices are
           specified, but number is 2, the full test suite will run on each
           device, but only two devices will be testing at a given time.

     -maximum-concurrent-test-simulator-destinations number
           If multiple simulator destinations are specified (and
           -disable-concurrent-destination-testing is not passed), only test
           on number simulators at a time. For example, if four iOS simulators
           are specified, but number is 2, the full test suite will run on
           each simulator, but only two simulators will be testing at a given

     -parallel-testing-enabled [YES | NO]
           Overrides the per-target setting in the scheme for running tests in

     -parallel-testing-worker-count number
           Spawn exactly number test runners when executing tests in parallel.
           Overrides -maximum-parallel-testing-workers, if it is specified.

     -maximum-parallel-testing-workers number
           Limit the number of test runners that will be spawned when running
           tests in parallel to number.

           If parallel testing is enabled (either via the
           -parallel-testing-enabled option, or on an individual test-target
           basis) and multiple destination specifiers are passed, distribute
           test classes among the destinations, instead of running the entire
           test suite on each destination (which is the default behavior when
           multiple destination specifiers are passed).

     -test-timeouts-enabled [YES | NO]
           Enable or disable test timeout behavior. This value takes
           precedence over the value specified in the test plan.

     -default-test-execution-time-allowance seconds
           The default execution time an individual test is given to execute,
           if test timeouts are enabled.

     -maximum-test-execution-time-allowance seconds
           The maximum execution time an individual test is given to execute,
           regardless of the test's preferred allowance.

     -test-iterations number
           If specified, tests will run number times. May be used in
           conjunction with either -retry-tests-on-failure or
           -run-tests-until-failure, in which case this will become the
           maximum number of iterations.

           If specified, tests will retry on failure. May be used in
           conjunction with -test-iterations number, in which case number will
           be the maximum number of iterations. Otherwise, a maximum of 3 is
           assumed. May not be used with -run-tests-until-failure.

           If specified, tests will run until they fail. May be used in
           conjunction with -test-iterations number, in which case number will
           be the maximum number of iterations. Otherwise, a maximum of 100 is
           assumed. May not be used with -retry-tests-on-failure.

     -test-repetition-relaunch-enabled [YES | NO]
           Whether or not each repetition of test should use a new process for
           its execution.  Must be used in conjunction with -test-iterations,
           -retry-tests-on-failure, or -run-tests-until-failure.  If not
           specified, tests will repeat in the same process.

     -collect-test-diagnostics [on-failure | never]
           Whether or not verbose and long-running diagnostics, like
           sysdiagnoses or log archives, are collected when testing.  If not
           specified, the value in the test plan will be used.

           If specified alongside either the test or test-without-building
           actions, the set of tests that would normally execute will instead
           be listed/enumerated, and the list of tests will be output to
           either stdout (the default), or to a file whose location is
           specified via the -test-enumeration-output-path option. The format
           of the list of tests is controlled via the -test-enumeration-style
           and -test-enumeration-format options. Note that a -destination
           specifier must be supplied in order to enumerate the tests.

     -test-enumeration-style [hierarchical | flat]
           Whether tests should be enumerated in a hierarchical organization
           (the default), meaning grouped by test plan, target, and class, or
           as a flat list of test identifiers that can subsequently be passed
           to the -skip-testing and -only-testing options.

     -test-enumeration-format [text | json]
           Whether tests should be enumerated as human-readable text (the
           default), or as machine-parseable JSON.

     -test-enumeration-output-path [path | -]
           Specifies a file path where the list of tests computed by the
           -enumerate-tests option will be written to disk. If - is supplied,
           the data will be written to stdout (which is also the default if
           this option is omitted).

     -dry-run, -n
           Print the commands that would be executed, but do not execute them.

           Skip actions that cannot be performed instead of failing. This
           option is only honored if -scheme is passed.

           Set the build setting buildsetting to value.

           A detailed reference of Xcode build settings can be found at:
            ⟨URL: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/build-
           settings-reference ⟩

           Set the user default userdefault to value.

     -toolchain [identifier | name]
           Use a given toolchain, specified with either an identifier or name.

           Do not print any output except for warnings and errors.

           Provide additional status output.

           Display version information for this install of Xcode. Does not
           initiate a build. When used in conjunction with -sdk, the version
           of the specified SDK is displayed, or all SDKs if -sdk is given no
           argument.  Additionally, a single line of the reported version
           information may be returned if infoitem is specified.

           Show the Xcode and SDK license agreements. Allows for accepting the
           license agreements without launching Xcode itself, which is useful
           for headless systems. Must be run as a privileged user.

           Check if any additional system components or configuration tasks
           need to be performed.  Exits with a non-zero code if additional
           system content needs to be installed, using -runFirstLaunch.  Exits
           with 0 if system components are up-to-date.

           Install additional system components and agree to the license.

           Download and install all available platforms.

           Displays usage information for xcodebuild.

     The -destination option takes as its argument a destination specifier
     describing the device (or devices) to use as a destination.  A
     destination specifier is a single argument consisting of a set of comma-
     separated key=value pairs.  The -destination option may be specified
     multiple times to cause xcodebuild to perform the specified action on
     multiple destinations.

     Destination specifiers may include the platform key to specify one of the
     supported destination platforms.  There are additional keys which should
     be supplied depending on the platform of the device you are selecting.

     Some devices may take time to look up. The -destination-timeout option
     can be used to specify the amount of time to wait before a device is
     considered unavailable.  If unspecified, the default timeout is 30

     Currently, xcodebuild supports these platforms:

     macOS              The local Mac, referred to in the Xcode interface as
                        My Mac, and which supports the following keys:

                        arch     The architecture to use, e.g.  arm64 or

                        variant  The optional variant to use, e.g.  Mac
                                 Catalyst or macOS.

     iOS                An iOS device, which supports the following keys:

                        id    The identifier of the device to use, as shown in
                              the Devices window. A valid destination
                              specifier must provide either id or name, but
                              not both.

                        name  The name of the device to use. A valid
                              destination specifier must provide either id or
                              name, but not both.

     iOS Simulator      A simulated iOS device, which supports the following

                        id    The identifier of the simulated device to use,
                              as shown in the Devices window. A valid
                              destination specifier must provide either id or
                              name, but not both.

                        name  The name of the simulated device to use. A valid
                              destination specifier must provide either id or
                              name, but not both.

                        OS    When specifying the simulated device by name,
                              the iOS version for that simulated device, such
                              as 6.0, or the string latest (the default) to
                              indicate the most recent version of iOS
                              supported by this version of Xcode.

     watchOS            A watchOS app is always built and deployed nested
                        inside of an iOS app. To use a watchOS device as your
                        destination, specify a scheme which is configured to
                        run a WatchKit app, and specify the iOS platform
                        destination that is paired with the watchOS device you
                        want to use.

     watchOS Simulator  A watchOS Simulator app is always built and deployed
                        nested inside of an iOS Simulator app. To use a
                        watchOS Simulator device as your destination, specify
                        a scheme which is configured to run a WatchKit app,
                        and specify the iOS Simulator platform destination
                        that is paired with the watchOS Simulator device you
                        want to use.

     tvOS               A tvOS device, which supports the following keys:

                        id    The identifier of the device to use, as shown in
                              the Devices window. A valid destination
                              specifier must provide either id or name, but
                              not both.

                        name  The name of the device to use. A valid
                              destination specifier must provide either id or
                              name, but not both.

     tvOS Simulator     A simulated tvOS device, which supports the following

                        id    The identifier of the simulated device to use,
                              as shown in the Devices window. A valid
                              destination specifier must provide either id or
                              name, but not both.

                        name  The name of the simulated device to use. A valid
                              destination specifier must provide either id or
                              name, but not both.

                        OS    When specifying the simulated device by name,
                              the tvOS version for that simulated device, such
                              as 9.0, or the string latest (the default) to
                              indicate the most recent version of tvOS
                              supported by this version of Xcode.

     DriverKit          The DriverKit environment, which supports the
                        following key:

                        arch  The architecture to use, e.g.  arm64 or x86_64.

     Some actions (such as building) may be performed without an actual device
     present.  To build against a platform generically instead of a specific
     device, the destination specifier may be prefixed with the optional
     string "generic/", indicating that the platform should be targeted
     generically.  An example of a generic destination is the "Any iOS Device"
     destination displayed in Xcode's UI when no physical iOS device is

   Testing on Multiple Destinations
     When more than one destination is specified with the -destination option,
     xcodebuild tests on those destinations concurrently. In this mode,
     xcodebuild automatically chooses the number of devices and simulators
     that are used simultaneously. All enabled tests in the scheme or
     xctestrun file are run on each destination.

   Distributing Archives
     The -exportArchive option specifies that xcodebuild should distribute the
     archive specified by -archivePath using the options specified by
     -exportOptionsPlist.  xcodebuild -help can print the full set of
     available inputs to -exportOptionsPlist.  The product can either be
     uploaded to Apple or exported locally. The exported product will be
     placed at the path specified by -exportPath.

     Archives that have been uploaded to the Apple notary service can be
     distributed using the -exportNotarizedApp option. This specifies that
     xcodebuild should export a notarized app from the archive specified by
     -archivePath and place the exported product at the path specified by
     -exportPath.  If the archive has not completed processing by the notary
     service, or processing failed, then xcodebuild will exit and emit
     informational or error messages.

     When uploading an archive using the -exportArchive option, or exporting a
     notarized archive using the -exportNotarizedApp option, an Apple ID
     account belonging to the archive's development team is required. Enter
     the credentials for the Apple ID account using Xcode's Accounts
     preference pane before invoking xcodebuild.

   Environment Variables
     The following environment variables affect the execution of xcodebuild:

                         Set to a path to a file, build settings in that file
                         will be loaded and used when building all targets.
                         These settings will override all other settings,
                         including settings passed individually on the command
                         line, and those in the file passed with the -xcconfig

     TEST_RUNNER_<VAR>   Set an environment variable whose name is prefixed
                         with TEST_RUNNER_ to have that variable passed, with
                         its prefix stripped, to all test runner processes
                         launched during a test action. For example,
                         TEST_RUNNER_Foo=Bar xcodebuild test ... sets the
                         environment variable Foo=Bar in the test runner's
                         environment. Existing variables may be modified using
                         the special token __CURRENT_VALUE__ to represent
                         their current value. For example,
                         TEST_RUNNER_Foo=__CURRENT_VALUE__:Bar appends the
                         string :Bar to any existing value of Foo.

   Exit Codes
     xcodebuild exits with codes defined by sysexits(3).  It will exit with
     EX_OK on success.  On failure, it will commonly exit with EX_USAGE if any
     options appear malformed, EX_NOINPUT if any input files cannot be found,
     EX_IOERR if any files cannot be read or written, and EX_SOFTWARE if the
     commands given to xcodebuild fail.  It may exit with other codes in less
     common scenarios.

     xcodebuild clean install

              Cleans the build directory; then builds and installs the first
              target in the Xcode project in the directory from which
              xcodebuild was started.

     xcodebuild -project MyProject.xcodeproj -target Target1 -target Target2
              -configuration Debug

              Builds the targets Target1 and Target2 in the project
              MyProject.xcodeproj using the Debug configuration.

     xcodebuild -target MyTarget OBJROOT=/Build/MyProj/Obj.root

              Builds the target MyTarget in the Xcode project in the directory
              from which xcodebuild was started, putting intermediate files in
              the directory /Build/MyProj/Obj.root and the products of the
              build in the directory /Build/MyProj/Sym.root.

     xcodebuild -sdk macosx10.6

              Builds the Xcode project in the directory from which xcodebuild
              was started against the macOS 10.6 SDK.  The canonical names of
              all available SDKs can be viewed using the -showsdks option.

     xcodebuild -workspace MyWorkspace.xcworkspace -scheme MyScheme

              Builds the scheme MyScheme in the Xcode workspace

     xcodebuild archive -workspace MyWorkspace.xcworkspace -scheme MyScheme

              Archives the scheme MyScheme in the Xcode workspace

     xcodebuild build-for-testing -workspace MyWorkspace.xcworkspace -scheme
              MyScheme -destination generic/platform=iOS

              Build tests and associated targets in the scheme MyScheme in the
              Xcode workspace MyWorkspace.xcworkspace using the generic iOS
              device destination. The command also writes test parameters from
              the scheme to an xctestrun file in the built products directory.

     xcodebuild test-without-building -workspace MyWorkspace.xcworkspace
              -scheme MyScheme -destination 'platform=iOS
              Simulator,name=iPhone 5s' -destination 'platform=iOS,name=My

              Tests the scheme MyScheme in the Xcode workspace
              MyWorkspace.xcworkspace using both the iOS Simulator and the
              device named iPhone 5s for the latest version of iOS. The
              command assumes the test bundles are in the build root
              (SYMROOT).  (Note that the shell requires arguments to be quoted
              or otherwise escaped if they contain spaces.)

     xcodebuild test-without-building -xctestrun MyTestRun.xctestrun
              -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 5s'
              -destination 'platform=iOS,name=My iPad'

              Tests using both the iOS Simulator and the device named iPhone
              5s.  Test bundle paths and other test parameters are specified
              in MyTestRun.xctestrun.  The command requires project binaries
              and does not require project source code.

     xcodebuild test -workspace MyWorkspace.xcworkspace -scheme MyScheme
              -destination 'platform=macOS,arch=x86_64'

              Tests the scheme MyScheme in the Xcode workspace
              MyWorkspace.xcworkspace using the destination described as My
              Mac 64-bit in Xcode.

     xcodebuild test -workspace MyWorkspace.xcworkspace -scheme MyScheme
              -destination 'platform=macOS,arch=x86_64' -only-testing

              Tests the scheme MyScheme in the Xcode workspace
              MyWorkspace.xcworkspace using the destination described as My
              Mac 64-bit in Xcode. Only the test testFooWithBar of the test
              suite FooTests, part of the MyTests testing bundle target, will
              be run.

     xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath MyMobileApp.xcarchive -exportPath
              ExportDestination -exportOptionsPlist 'export.plist'

              Exports the archive MyMobileApp.xcarchive to the path
              ExportDestination using the options specified in export.plist.

     xcodebuild -exportLocalizations -project MyProject.xcodeproj
              -localizationPath MyDirectory -exportLanguage zh-hans
              -exportLanguage es-MX

              Exports two XLIFF files to MyDirectory from MyProject.xcodeproj
              containing development language strings and translations for
              Simplified Chinese and Mexican Spanish.

     xcodebuild -exportLocalizations -project MyProject.xcodeproj
              -localizationPath MyDirectory

              Export a single XLIFF file to MyDirectory from
              MyProject.xcodeproj containing only development language
              strings. (In this case, the -exportLanguage parameter has been

     xcodebuild -importLocalizations -project MyProject.xcodeproj
              -localizationPath MyLocalizations.xliff

              Imports localizations from MyLocalizations.xliff into
              MyProject.xcodeproj.  Translations with issues will be reported
              but not imported.

     ibtool(1), sysexits(3), xcode-select(1), xcrun(1), xed(1)

     Xcode Build Settings Reference ⟨URL:

macOS                            June 20, 2016                           macOS