NFS(5)                        File Formats Manual                       NFS(5)

     NFS – Network File System


     NFS is the standard UNIX file sharing protocol suite.  MacOS supports
     version two, NFSv2 (RFC 1094), version three, NFSv3 (RFC 1813), and in
     addition for the client, version four, NFSv4 (RFC 3530).  NFSv2 and NFSv3
     also rely on adjunct protocols for mounting, Mountd (RFC 1094, RFC 1813)
     and for locking, NLM (OpenGroup XNFS).  NFSv4 subsumes both mount and
     locking operations in to it's protocol.  MacOS systems support TCP over
     IPv4 and IPv6.  In addition for versions two and three of the protocol,
     UDP is supported over IPv4 and IPv6, however its use is discouraged.
     Version two of the protocol is considered legacy and should only be used
     if higher versions of the protocol are unavailable.

   NFS Client Kernel Extension
     The NFS client code has been relocated from Kernel to a Kernel Extension
     (KEXT).  This transition offers improved modularity and flexibility
     within the system architecture. However, users need not worry about any
     changes or disruptions in their experience.  The NFS client KEXT is
     loaded by default, making it seamless for users. As a result, the
     functionality provided by the NFS client remains intact, and users will
     not notice any difference in how they interact with network file systems.

   MacOS Extended Attribute Considerations
     MacOS makes heavy use of extended attributes, resource forks, and
     possibly ACLs.  NFSv2 and NFSv3 do not support these operations over the
     wire. The getting and setting of ACLs are not supported but extended
     attributes and resource forks for MacOS clients are supported by storing
     extended attributes and resource forks in an "Apple Double" (also known
     as a dot under bar file) files on the server. On the other hand NFSv4 can
     optionally support ACLs. And can optionally support the storing of
     resource forks and extended attributes as NFSv4 named attributes.
     Previous versions of NFSv4 on MacOS would use NFSv4 named attributes if
     supported by the server for storing extended attributes and resource
     forks, however this version of NFSv4 defaults to using "Apple Double"
     files. If a server exports files systems with both NFSv3 and NFSv4 (the
     usual default case) and supports named attributes as well, then there is
     a potential for data loss, since changing an extended attribute or
     resource fork from an NFSv3 client is not visible to an NFSv4 client and
     visa versa.  If the server is known to only have NFSv4 clients or is only
     exporting file systems with NFSv4 then MacOS clients should use the
     namedattr option.  See mount_nfs(8).  If converting from NFSv3 to NFSv4
     only with named attribute support, the following procedure can be use to
     convert the "Apple Double" files to NFSv4 named attributes.

     Be sure that the file system on the server has no other MacOS NFS mounts.
     Then allow one MacOS NFSv4 client that has been mounted with the
     namedattr mount option (mount -o vers=4,namedattr), to mount the
     export(s) on the server.  Then at the mount point on the client run the
     dot_clean -m command.  This will read the "Apple Double" files and
     convert them to native extended attributes on the server and then remove
     the "Apple Double" file.

   MacOS ACL support.
     ACLs (access control list) are enforced at the server not the client. As
     mentioned above NFSv3/NFSv2 do not support ACLs. So it is possible to get
     access or permission errors even though the BSD permission bits indicate
     that a file system operation should succeed.  MacOS NFSv4 clients can
     optionally support ACLs if the acl or aclonly options are given at mount
     time. The reason that ACLs are not enabled by default is that there
     interpretation can be different from one server to another. Particularly
     in the way BSD mode bits are interpreted.  A simplified explanation for
     MacOS, is that it interprets ACLs by running over the list of ACEs
     (access control entries) in order and if all requests for access have
     been granted and no request for access has been denied then the access is
     granted. If no request has been denied but some request have not been
     granted then fall back to the BSD access permissions. A complete
     description of ACLs can be found in "Appendix B, File System Details" in
     the File System Programming Guide.  Also see acl, noacl, and aclonly in
     mount_nfs(8) for more details.  Future version of MacOS may enable ACL
     support by default.

   NFSv4 Name mapping.
     Unlike NFSv3/NFSv2 identities for owners and groups are represented by
     strings instead of 32 bit numbers. Thus NFSv4 clients and servers have to
     convert these over the wire string identities to the local identities and
     local identities to strings. These strings are principally used in
     GETATTR, SETATTR, and ACEs for security identities.  Note that the RPC
     credential is used for permission and access checking for whether an
     operation will be allowed. Those credentials are found in the RPC header,
     such as a kerberos identity that is associated with the RPCSEC_GSS
     context.  These strings are of the form "identity@NFSv4Domain", where the
     "NFSv4Domain" follows DNS domain naming conventions.

   NFSv4 Mirror Mounts.
     While crossing file system boundries on the server side, nfs client will
     automatically create mount points on the client side. Such mount points
     will be marked as ephemeral in nfsstat -m output.  Mount options are
     inherited from the parent mount point.

   MacOS NFSv4 name mapping rules.
     When processing identities by default we first check and see if the
     idenity string from the server is a string of digits if so we use that as
     the uid/gid to ask Open Directory to map that to a local idenitity. If
     that fails or the idenity string is not a string of digits we next check
     for well known names that NFSv4 supports. These names are of the form
     "identity@" with no domain part. If we match any of the following

           OWNER@            GROUP@            EVERYONE@
           INTERACTIVE@      NETWORK@          DIALUP@
           BATCH@            ANONYMOUS@        AUTHENTICATED@

     These identities are mapped to Open Directory internal identities. Along
     with any other identity that ends in an "@", which are mapped to nobody.
     These well known identities are used as generic security idenitifiers in
     ACEs.  These identities are mapped back to the above strings when going
     back over the wire to the server. If the identites do not match the
     strings ending in "@" then we attempt to map the identities as follows.
     MacOS clients support a zero configuration option by not specifying a
     default NFSv4 domain. String identies coming from the server are handed
     as is to Open Directory to translate the string identity to the local
     identity. This works if the NFSv4 domain is the same as an Open Directory
     node name.  Local identies are similarly translated to the fully scoped
     Open Directory names on the way out.  If Open Directory returns an error
     in trying to  map the identities we then by default try to use the
     following fall back idenities:

           root@any_domain   wheel@any_domain
           nobody@any_domain nfsnobody@any_domain

     Root and wheel identities are translated by Open Directory with uid/gid
     of zero and nobody and nfsnobody are traslated to uid/gid of -2 (MacOS
     internal representation for the nobody uid/gid).

     This is useful in situations where the client and server do not share a
     common naming database.  It is recommended where sites have a large
     number of MacOS clients, set their NFSv4 domain to be the LDAP node that
     is being used to bind Open Directory so that there is no other
     configuration needed for the Mac clients.

     For environments which have a different NFSv4 domain name from the bound
     LDAP node name, the NFSv4 domain name needs to be set by editing
     /etc/nfs.conf and adding the line
           nfs.client.default_nfs4domain = <my_nfsv4_domain>
     See nfs.conf(5).  The rules for mapping are then as follows. If a string
     identity comes in over the wire whose domain portion matches the client's
     NFSv4 domain, then its stripped off and that unscoped name is this given
     to Open Directory to map to a local identity. On the way back to the
     server any Open Directory node name is stripped off and the NFSv4 domain
     name is appended. If the identity coming from the server does not match
     the NFSv4 domain name, then its passed to Open Directory as is and the
     rules described above for having no NFSv4 domain name set are followed.

     The server has set its NFSv4 domain that is not the same as any MacOS
     client Open Directory node, so that the identity mapping is not set up
     correctly.  Users will see output like the following example:

     3-$ ls -l /tmp/mp
     total 16851
     -rw-r--r--  1 nobody  nobody       29 Oct 12  2015 Foo.txt
     drwxr-xr-x  3 nobody  nobody        4 Jan 31 16:27 Q102/
     drwxrwxrwx  3 nobody  nobody        7 Jan 24 16:59 acl/
     -rw-r--r--  1 nobody  wheel         0 Feb  8 11:54 file1
     -rw-r--r--  1 root    wheel         0 Feb  8 12:00 file2
     -rw-r--r--  1 nobody  nobody        0 Feb  9 11:06 fooby
     drwx------  2 nobody  nobody        5 Sep 22  2015 keyring-GbeUpi/
     drwx------  2 65432   nobody        5 Sep  8  2015 keyring-OX5G6P/

     Most of the mappings comeback as "nobody/nobody".  Note "file1" comes
     back with group wheel. This is an example of fall back identity mapping.
     Similarly for "file2" for both the user and group return root and wheel
     respectfully. The directory "keyring-OX5G6P" has ownership of 65432 this
     is because the server could not map that id locally and so sent it over
     the wire as a string of digits.  After correcting the NFSv4 domain on the
     server we have:

     4-$ ls -l /tmp/mp
     total 16851
     -rw-r--r--  1 lbricker  staff        29 Oct 12  2015 Foo.txt
     drwxr-xr-x  3 lbricker  staff         4 Jan 31 16:27 Q102/
     drwxrwxrwx  3 lbricker  staff         7 Jan 24 16:59 acl/
     -rw-r--r--  1 lbricker  staff         0 Feb  8 11:54 file1
     -rw-r--r--  1 root      nobody        0 Feb  8 12:00 file2
     -rw-r--r--  1 lbricker  nobody        0 Feb  9 11:06 fooby
     drwx------  2 lbricker  staff         5 Sep 22  2015 keyring-GbeUpi/
     drwx------  2 65432     staff         5 Sep  8  2015 keyring-OX5G6P/

     What is surprising is that file1 and file2's group is now nobody. The
     reason is that the server is sending those group ids as
     "root@<open_directroy_node>".  Open Directory will not find that mapping
     so it will map it to nobody (had "wheel@<open_directory_node" had been
     used, wheel would have been returned).  In the previous example the
     server sent "".  Open Directory will now return an
     error since it can not find a valid Open Directory node ""
     and thus use the fall back to a gid of 0.

     Debugging NFSv4 name mapping can be done with the nfs4mapid command. See
     nfs4mapid(8).  This allows testing of name/identity translations by using
     a system call into the kernel that calls the same routines as the MacOS
     nfs client uses. For example we determine the group translations above.

     83-$ sudo nfs4mapid -G
     group maps to id -2
         mapping done through guid ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEFFFFFFFFE
     84-$ sudo nfs4mapid -G
     group maps to id 0
         mapping done through guid ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF00000000
     85-$ sudo nfs4mapid -G
     group maps to id 0
         mapping done through guid ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF00000000
     86-$ sudo nfs4mapid -G group maps to id 0
         mapping done through guid ABCDEFAB-CDEF-ABCD-EFAB-CDEF00000000

See Also
     Appendix B, File System Details, File System Programming Guide, Apple,

     dot_clean(1), nfsstat(1), nfs.conf(5), nfs4mapid(8), mount_nfs(8),

     [RFC1094]  B. Nowicki, NFS: Network File System Protocol specification,
                RFC1094, March 1989,

     [RFC1813]  B. Callaghan, B. Pawlowski, and P. Staubach, NFS Version 3
                Protocol Specification, RFC1813, June 1995, http://www.rfc-

     [RFC3530]  S. Shepler, B. Callaghan, D. Robinson, R. Thurlow, C. Beame,
                M. Eisler, and D. Noveck, Network File System (NFS) version 4
                Protocol, RFC3530, April 2003, http://www.rfc-

     [XNFS]     Protocols for Interworking: XNFS, Version 3W, Open Group
                Technical Standard, February, 1998, ISBN: 1-85912-184-5.

macOS 15.2                       May 25, 2017                       macOS 15.2