Familiar tools

A couple of days ago, Steven Troughton-Smith put the Apple corner of Twitter in a tizzy with this:

I can confirm reports that HomePod’s firmware reveals the existence of upcoming iPhone’s infra-red face unlock in BiometricKit and elsewhere

Steve T-S (@stroughtonsmith) Jul 30 2017 9:03 PM

While it’s nice to get a glimpse into the facial recognition future of the iPhone, what I most enjoyed was the command pipeline in the second image:

strings dyld_shared_cache_arm64 | grep -i infrared | grep -i pearl

As someone who usually feels the need to defend my old-fashioned use of grep, I was delighted to see someone with impeccable wizarding credentials use it (twice in the same pipeline!) without apology. I did not look through his replies to see if there were complaints that he should have used {ack, ag, pt, ripgrep, sift, etc.}.