Framed iPhone screenshots

After reading Jason Snell’s review of Shareshot and Framous, I thought I should start adding frames to my iPhone screenshots again, something I haven’t done for several years. But I didn’t buy either of the apps he reviewed, nor did I download Federico Viticci’s Apple Frames Shortcut. Unsurprisingly, I built my own little system specifically tuned to the way I work using Retrobatch and Keyboard Maestro.

Framed iPhone screenshot

We’ll start with the Retrobatch part. There are two workflows that I’ve saved as droplets to my Applications folder: Frame iPhone and Frame iPhone Half. One creates full-sized images (1320×2720) and the other creates half-sized images (660×1360) from the screenshots I take with my iPhone 16 Pro.

Each workflow uses a transparent PNG image for my Natural Titanium phone, which I downloaded from Apple’s Product Bezels page. Because I thought Apple added a little too much empty space around the frame, I sliced 15 pixels from the left and right sides of Apple’s image and 20 pixels from the top and bottom. This affects a couple of values used in the workflows.

Here’s the workflow for Frame iPhone Half. The Frame iPhone workflow looks the same, except it doesn’t include the Scale action.

Frame iPhone Half workflow

Here are the properties of all the actions:

Round Corners properties

Overlay properties

Scale properties

Write Images properties

If you want to make your own Retrobatch workflows using the Apple’s original PNG, you’ll have to add 15 and 20 to the X and Y offsets in the Overlay action.

The radius I used for the Round Corners action, 180 pixels, doesn’t match the inside radius of the frame perfectly, nor does it have to. It just has make the rounded corners of the screenshot fit under the frame and not “peek out” beyond its outer edges.

If you don’t want to build your Retrobatch workflows from scratch you can download the Frame iPhone Half workflow, adjust it to your needs, and save it as a droplet. Retrobatch workflows are XML files, so clicking the download link may open the file in your browser. If that happens, just come back here and right-click on the link to save it to your computer. You may have to delete an .xml extension from the downloaded file. “Smart” software often does things we don’t want.

So now we have droplets we can drag iPhone screenshots onto to get framed images like the one at the top of the post. But no one wants their Applications folder open all the time, so I built a Keyboard Maestro macro to do what dragging would do. You can download it or build it yourself from this:

KM Frame iPhone Screenshot

Here’s how I use it. After taking the screenshots on my iPhone, I open the Photos app on my Mac and copy the screenshot images to whatever folder I’m using for the assets of the blog post I’m writing. I then select the screenshots I want framed and press ⌃⌥⌘F. This window appears:

KM Frame iPhone Screenshot prompt

I select Original or Half, as appropriate,

1 and Keyboard Maestro then opens the screenshot files in the associated droplet—just as if I had dropped the image files onto it. I then have framed images ready to upload to my server.

A couple of notes:

  1. I think I’ll probably change the default to Half, but we’ll see how it goes.